Solving Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Sacropelvic Anatomy

3,000+Treating Surgeons
75,000+iFuse Procedures Performed
100+iFuse Publications
Soluzioni sacropelviche per la disfunzione dell'articolazione sacroiliaca
Clinical Evidence
iFuse: Backed by Evidence
Safety, Effectiveness and Reliability
Unparalleled clinical evidence on the treatment of SI joint dysfunction with the iFuse Implant System®
See All Clinical EvidenceWatch
iFuse-3D Video
Watch this short video about the iFuse-3D Implant, which is created with the latest proprietary 3D printing technology.
More VideosFormazione
Formazione generica e specialistica sull'articolazione sacroiliaca per chirurghi e operatori sanitari

Resource Library for Healthcare Providers
Materials supporting education on the SI joint and iFuse:
- Diagnostic Videos
- Surgery Videos
- Documents
- Presentations